Do you ever want to change up your spring decor a bit, but aren't quite sure how or feel like you don't have the extra cash to buy anything new?
Here are some fun examples of low and no cost spring decorating that are quick, easy, painless and price savvy!
This pretty little grapevine wreath has been hanging in my kitchen all winter long. I wanted to keep it out for Spring too, but it needed something. Now I'm not a very good seamstress so I needed something easy and fast. I found some scraps of fabric, tore it into small strips and tied it in a knot around a piece of yarn. Then I gathered all the fabric together, added a few pieces of baker's twine for a hint of color and texture and there you have it.....the wreath has now transitioned from winter to spring!

This little setting was super easy and created just from items I had laying around the house. I used a white wooden tray for the base, added some twine and a metal basket, incorporated some color with some fake green apples, and used some branches I'd taken from a tree in my yard and spray painted white. Then I topped it all off with this cute sign that always reminds me of my grandma because that is something she would always say. This is so great because it's neutral, fresh and fun!
With me there are rarely rules to decorating and I say anything goes. I love my little disco ball and the way it lights up the whole room when the sun hits it just right. It had been part of my winter decor, so I was contemplating whether or not to pack it away. But I just couldn't bring myself to do that. And besides, you're always hearing the term "Spring Bling," I thought what the heck. So my cute little disco ball joined my cute little chicks and now there is a party every day at my house!
And lastly, one of the easiest ways I've found to "springify" your home is to just add anything yellow! Yellow is the color of spring and a perfect way to make things bright and cheery. It can really be anything. And if you don't have anything yellow, a can of spraypaint or a bottle of craft paint can do the trick in no time at all.
So there you have it....easy, fast, and cost friendly spring decorating at its best!!
Happy Spring!